
A collection of various Max/MSP objects for creative patching


A collection of various Max/MSP objects for creative patching coded in C++. This package was born as a collection of some custom externals I made for different projects, so they are not really linked by a common thread. They anyway more or less deal with math, artificial intelligence and weird sounds.

Currently finished externals are:


  • sonus.bytebeat~ A bytebeat parser and generator
  • sonus.byteplay~ An efficient player of many bytebeat formulas
  • sonus.ecaosc~ Elementary cellular automata oscillator
  • sonus.harmosc~ Harmonic additive oscillator
  • sonus.lorenz~ Lorenz attractor based generator
  • sonus.neurosc~ Neural network based oscillator
  • sonus.nwosc~ User defined wavetable oscillator
  • sonus.pdosc~ Phase distorted oscillator
  • sonus.pulsar~ Pulsar oscillator
  • sonus.roessler~ Rössler attractor based generator
  • sonus.rsosc~ Oscillator with random shapes
  • sonus.vaosc~ Multishape bandlimited oscillator
  • sonus.window~ Window functions generator

Effects and Sample Manipulation

  • sonus.8bitinv~ Bitcrusher and bit inverter
  • sonus.bitman~ Bit manipulator
  • sonus.biquads~ Parallel biquad filters
  • sonus.buffx Apply effects to buffers
  • sonus.bufsnap Save snapshots of a buffer
  • sonus.cheby~ Chebyshev waveshaper
  • sonus.cryptoverb~ Eerie stereo reverberator
  • sonus.fselector~ Continuous selector/mixer
  • sonus.quadpan~ Quadraphonic panner
  • sonus.summer~ Simple signal mixer
  • sonus.wavesets Wavesets based sample manipulation

Neural Networks and AI

  • sonus.acti Activation functions
  • sonus.acti~ Activation functions (signal rate)
  • Cellular automata system
  • sonus.dnn Deep neural network implementation
  • Genetic algorithm implementation
  • Genetic algorithm implementation (numbers version)
  • sonus.linden Lindenmayer generative system
  • sonus.neuron Artificial neuron implementation
  • sonus.perceptron~ Classic perceptron implementation

Math and Utilities

  • sonus.blist Output different items from a list
  • sonus.bozo Output a 1 and then a 0 when a bang is received
  • sonus.hop Hot inlets operations
  • sonus.lline Similar to line, but for list of numbers
  • sonus.lurn Non repeating random sequences
  • sonus.mathc Mathematical constants
  • sonus.mbox Pop up dialogs generator
  • sonus.mima~ Signal extremes analyzer
  • sonus.mumul Multiply numbers for the same factor
  • sonus.mumul~ Multiply signals for the same factor
  • sonus.quadpanner Quadraphonic panner coefficients
  • sonus.tent Tent map calculator

The collection also features six Max for Live devices that use some sonus externals to create synths, effects and modulators.

How to build

Grab the source inside your Documents/Max 8/Packages folder with git clone --recursive

cd sonus and then mkdir build to create a folder with your various build files.

cd build to put yourself into that folder.


Run cmake -G Xcode ..

Next run cmake --build . --config Release or open the Xcode project from this “build” folder and use the GUI.

Note: you can add the -j4 option where “4” is the number of cores to use. This can help to speed up your builds, though sometimes the error output is interleaved in such a way as to make troubleshooting more difficult.

If you are running on a Mac M1 machine, you will likely see an error cannot be loaded due to system security policy when loading your externals in Max. To resolve this, you can ad-hoc codesign your external with codesign --force --deep -s - myobject.mxo.


You can run cmake --help to get a list of the options available.

Visual Studio 2022:

cmake -G "Visual Studio 17 2022" ..

Visual Studio 2019:

cmake -G "Visual Studio 16 2019" ..

Visual Studio 2017:

cmake -G "Visual Studio 15 2017 Win64" ..

Having generated the projects, you can now build by opening the .sln file in the build folder with the Visual Studio app (just double-click the .sln file) or you can build on the command line like this:

cmake --build . --config Release